A Brief History of the
Philippine Mental Health Association
Davao Chapter

Long before the formal organization of the Davao Chapter feelers were received from the Philippine Mental Health Association-Manila, regarding the reaction of the community in the city and the provinces of Davao towards its extension program. After a preliminary survey, it was believed that the response of the locale was favorable. So on August 13, 1960 Miss Josefina Gonzales, organization Secretary of the PMHA-Manila came to Davao and conferred with Dr. Manuel P. Babao, Dr. Alberto A. Gahol, and Dr. Vicente Gahol. Miss Gonzales then laid the groundwork of the organization. The City Executive, the Provincial governor, the Supt. of Schools- Heads of Schools and principals, teachers of the colleges, both public and private, government and prominent citizens of this community were from day to day interviewed. They were personally approached by Miss Gonzales and were briefed with the aims, objectives, and goals of the Mental Health movement in our country. In the end, emphasis was of course stressed in organizing the local chapter.

After more than one year of conscientious hard work, the Davao Chapter was formally organized on August 22, 1960 at the Davao Puericulture Center. Some 200 came to witness the initial congregation. With the formalities of a program prepared for the day, opening remarks, talks, speeches were heard and witnessed with songs and musical intermission. Majority of the public school teachers, government employees, and prominent citizens from all walks of life in our metropolis joined the significant affair. Main speakers of the occasion were Supt. Jose Y. Tuazon of the public schools and the honorable Mayor of the City of Davao, Cornelio L. Porras.